Grace Chorale of Brooklyn commissioned me to compose a choral and orchestral piece based on a psalm for their “Psalms for Troubled Times” concert in April 2024. I composed a choral and orchestral composition to the text of Psalm 30 in Spanish (i.e. Salmo 30). The world premiere was a success and the performers did a beautiful job. The performances were on April 6th and 7th, with the performance on April 7th being officially recorded. The fire alarm sounded during the last 30 seconds of my piece’s performance on the second day, which left me upset (especially because of the beautiful performance the choir and orchestra gave that day). But thankfully, a chorister recorded the piece on the first performance date. So I am happy! Please enjoy my piece, SALMO 30, performed by Grace Chorale of Brooklyn (Jason Asbury, conductor) and orchestra.